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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250069-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Czechoslovakia,Germany,USA
Location: Augsburg,Tannenbergstahl
TC Begins: 16:18:04
TC Ends: 16:31:00
Duration: 00:12:56
Post-WWII - Color, 1945, Germany: Germans Pick Thru Rubble; Aerials over fields of Equipment; Surrendered Germans; Goering German POWs in camouflaged German army trucks thru town; pedestrians wave from sidewalk, motorcycle & sidecar. 16:19:24 German women, boys & old men picking thru building rubble; salvaged wood & other material put in wagons & carts. 16:19:52 Slate: dark, Camera: Lindsay. Low aerials over tent camps in field (too fast to use); heavy traffic blocking road. Over railroad yard, fields w/ many parked military vehicles. 16:21:11 Flash slate: same. Horse & tractor drawn wagons thru town, people / refugees pulling small carts. Cus & MS. Car w/ Czechoslovakian flag; white flags on houses. 16:22:24 Flash slate: same. German POWs on trucks along country road, some American guards. LS of parked army vehicles along countryside road w/ forest behind. Pan to vehicles out of sight. Farm. 16:23:10 Russian soldier poses w/ 3 American soldiers. German armored vehicle begins to move. HA of parked equipment at T intersection. 16:23:44 Flash slate: same. Long country road w/ wagon of brush away. 16:23:53 Tannenbergstahl w/ white flags on houses, German soldiers riding thru & locals waving. 16:24:10 GIs beside US jeep by sign: Achtung! Closed season on all Germans by order of Lt. Col. R.B. Cobb. 16:24:20 US flag raised on pole. Soldiers salute. German women & children rummage thru piles of clothing. 16:25:04 Flash slate: same. Lineof parked German army trucks on road; MS German POWs beside wagons & trucks, one washing, others walk past. German officers talking. Trucks move ahead. 16:26:23 C-47 plane taking off from grass field 16:26:31 Slate: Crump, Augsburg, 14-15May45. MCU & MS Hermann Goering sitting at outdoor table talking to American major of 7th Army. 16:27:33 Flash slate: Lindsay. C-47 taking off or landing from grass field. US officer helps Col Hans-Ulrich Rudel & another German out of light plane; posing; helped into back of truck w/ prosthetic leg beside as they drive off. 16:28:55 Flash slate: same except H58B. German girls/women in back of open car; German officer & others in other cars. GI watching. German officer driven in US jeep. GIs eating sitting on wall, watched by little boys. Long line of trucks parked beside road. GI sitting on 55 gallon drum w/ rifles laid out on ground w/ other stuff. LS of parked vehicles. GIs w/ rifles watching. German officers & American salute; talk, questioned. GI in car w/ machine gun talks on radiophone. 16:30:48 German army truck w/ trailer past, other trucks following. WW2; War Ending; Czechoslovakians Returning; NOTE: Rudel was highly decorated, wounded & had leg amputated near end of war. Flew into American zone to avoid capture by Soviets. After war continued to espouse Nazi ideology & wrote a pro-Hitler memoir. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.