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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221105-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941-1942
Country: Russia,USSR
Location: Leningrad
TC Begins: 12:32:03
TC Ends: 12:42:37
Duration: 00:10:34
Siege of Leningrad 1941-42 - Part 4 of 5 Montage documentary w/ English narration. Snipers on front line in snowy trenches; medics w/ infured, snipers in snow camouflage crawl through undergrowth. Probably staged scene w/ ace sniper finding German soldier in gun sight, shooting him & keeping score. Heavy guns firing, explosions. General Kochin ? Commander of Leningrad front consults map w/ officers. Soviet fighters & bombers in flight; bombs dropped, explosions. 12:34:28 Guerilla troops in woods - snow camouflaged & skis. German communication lines severed & trees felled across roads. German troops run away as guerillas fire staged?. Group of guerillas bring convoy of food to Leningrad. Guerillas advance. 12:37;41 Ski troops across open plain under bombardment - tanks clear way for infantry. Dead German soldiers. Tanks thru burning village, piles of corpses & makeshift graves. 12:39:49 Captured German soldiers marched through snow, lone PoW limping along at gunpoint. Groups of PoWs look freezing, some wounded. Captured German trucks & equipment. Graves of some of 37,000 Germans killed. 12:41:47 Banners awarded to Soviet fighter pilots - Stalin’s Falcons. Chanov ? gives awards to guerrillas in city. WWII; Eastern Front; Battle of Leningrad; Russia / USSR; Fighting; Prisoners of War; Horrors of War;