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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221660-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943,1944,1940s
Country: Algeria,England,France,Libya,Tunisia,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Algiers,North Africa
TC Begins: 04:30:12
TC Ends: 04:38:24
Duration: 00:08:12
Tunisian Victory R8 of 8 Aerials of bombers dropping bombs & explosions. Pilot & co-pilot. Luftwaffe fighters attacking Allied bombers & machine gunners downing planes. Bombs dropping, explosions. Artillery, machine guns, advancing tanks & infantry. GOOD. 04:31:32 British dive bombers; fighters strafing tanks. Low bombers dropping bombs. Artillery firing outside of town. 04:32:38 Animated diagram of final capture of Tunis & Bizertte, Tunisia. 04:33:02 Surrendering Germans, POWs. Prisoners of war marched along road, in trucks & behind marching band. MPs counting prisoners. Aerial over mass of POWs. 04:34:25 Wrecked German equipment: planes, tanks trucks, helmets, etc. 04:35:01 Defeated German POWs. Allied troops congratulating each other. Arm patches of various nations; CUs of troops. France, Russian, China, Australia, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, Belgium, Nederlands, Norge, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia. 04:36:38 Troops wading ashore; advancing from LSTs. kids & crowds cheering arriving troops. CU faces, flags. Kisses. 04:37:38 Flags flying, Generals, planes over low in formation. Allied flags. V. End disclaimer titles re reshooting of some scenes. WW2; WWII; Military Planning; 1944; 1943; 1940s; North African Fighting; Operation Torch; Operation Acrobat; Army Air Force; Tunisia; Libya; NOTE: Good quality. Film contains staged footage as well as actuality.