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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220879-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942,1943,1940s
Country: Australia,Egypt,England,Germany,Libya,United Kingdom,USA
Location: El Alamein,North Africa
TC Begins: 13:31:55
TC Ends: 13:41:18
Duration: 00:09:23
WWII - 1940s, North Africa Documents the El Alamein campaign. Aftermath of battle - corpses and abandoned equipment. British planes takeoff. Infantry and tanks advance towards Alexandria. Map shows positions. 13:34:03 North front battle footage - Troops in trenches firing at enemy - running out of trenches. Shouting into loudspeaker - German & British planes air combat. Downed German planes. 13:36:25 Map shows positions - 4th day of battle - capturing Kidney Ridge. Infantry on ground and artillery firing; tanks; capturing German soldier. 13:38:10 Map shows Australian division advance northward towards sea -actual combat - checking for landmines; firing artillery. Rommel and German army fighting. Red Cross evacuates wounded. Corpses on battlefield. German POWs / Prisoners of War; WW2; 1942; 1943; Fighting; Battles; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Poor sound