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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250092-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941
Country: Finland,Germany,Latvia,Lithuania,USSR
Location: Dunaberg,Kowno,Latvia,Lithuania
TC Begins: 14:26:35
TC Ends: 14:34:19
Duration: 00:07:44
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1941, USSR: German Motorized Units & Troops Enter Finland; Lithuania; Latvia. Fighting Map. CU sign: Finland - Suomi. German raises border gate & motorcycles follow staff car of German Waffen-SS motorized unit across wooden bridge & column along gravel road into Finland. 14:27:08 CU Waffen-SS rifleman operating breech of his Mauser Kar 98K rifle, he fires two rounds; Besa light machine-gun team in action; soldiers using 8 cm mortar, Besa light machine-gun, troops dashing across field. 14:27:36 Animated map showing movement towards Kowno, Lithuania. 14:27:40 Large artillery fired; tanks advancing - Panzer 2s across field. German officer watching, crewman w/ binoculars in turret. 14:28:09 Panzer 3s stationary in field; tank by roadside & infantry along ditch, run across field. Tanks in field firing. 14:28:34 Russian prisoners of war walking at gun point; being interrogated, CU. Artillery & mortar fired. 14:28:56 Heavy MG-34 teams in action in field. Farm buildings. 14:29:12 Smoke, bicycle troops, infantry & armored cars advance thru burning Russian town, Russian star w/ hammer & sickle / scythe on pole. 14:29:28 German vehicles past burning tank; crossing river on ferry on rubber rafts pushed by storm boat; bicycles pushed up road on riverbank. Tilt up to river boats & city. Soldiers boarding river boat / excursion boat. Pan Nazi soldiers looking to shore from on board. Town hall w/ Swastika flying above another flag. Troops leaving boat & nurses pinning flowers on soldiers. 14:30:34 Animated map w/ arrow to Dunaburg / Dunaberg, Latvia. Low angle of military w/ bicycles & Panzer I tank advancing; street fighting in town. CU of local prisoners: woman, men; MS Russian prisoners sitting in field. 14:31:32 Panzer Units advancing thru fields surrounding town, artillery; Panzer 1s & 2s / tanks into field, pan to smoke & soldier watching from behind tree. 14:32:18 MS stationary Panzer 4 - hidden. Barn burning. Infantry advance beyond tank traps. Large fire. 14:32:53 Twp Russian soldiers surrendering, hands up, toward camera. MCU Russian POW soldiers. CU destroyed tank & other vehicles inspected, body beside. Artillery firing, explosions smoke & building hit. 14:33:55 Russian soldiers / prisoners marched up road. 14:34:01 Animated map arrow to Grodno. German tanks thru burning Russian town WW2 Occupation of Lithuania & Latvia by Nazi Germany; Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Ending; Battles; Prisoners of War; Russian POWs; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Very good action, coverage & quality. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: