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Go to HomepageReel Number: 200567-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1942,1943,1940s
Country: Russia,USA,USSR
Location: Kursk,Stalingrad
TC Begins: 11:00:00
TC Ends: 11:09:39
Duration: 00:09:39
WWII - 1942 - 1943, USSR: Footage Related to Battles of Stalingrad & Kursk Aerial low over destroyed Stalingrad buildings; ground shots tilting down demolished buildings partially left standing to rubble on ground & large empty blocks. 11:00:35 Aerial of destroyed city. 11:01:08 Winter. Men standing in cold looking very tired. 11:01:22 Long line of Germans captured at Stalingrad marching up & down snowy hillsides, MCU 11:01:49 Dead soldiers in snow; MCU of POWs feet in rags, line snaking around hillside. 11:02:21 No snow. Good shots of burning village / scorched earth left behind by Germans. Silhouetted soldiers walk past silhouetted, women crying; MCU house logs collapsing, Germans walk w/ rifles past. 11:02:58 German POWs past camera; other soldiers riding in trucks, smiling. Riding on tanks w/ camouflage, motorcycles etc. Marching in dust & thru smoke (?). 11:03:45 Russian troops running, woman at machine gun; artillery fired; others advancing w/ artillery, firing from trenches, throw grenades. 11:04:08 Sd. English narration. Anti-Nazi street posters in Moscow greet American Allies. Unloading supplies from USA, crates stacked. Russian Generals over maps. 11:04:55 Heavy fighting in Kiev; Rostock & other cities as prelude to Stalingrad. CU machine guns, placing mines, firing artillery. Heavy street fighting w/ soldiers firing rifles, some dramatically shot by snipers. 11:06:12 (very grainy) Snow covering Stalingrad, end of Oct42. German planes, artillery firing at them. Fighting in streets in snow, past remains of factories, railroad yard w/ Tommy Gun. Throwing grenades, using flame throwers. Running through rubble. 11:07:54 Sd. Russian & music. (running scratches but good picture quality) No snow. Soldiers cleaning artillery, instructed in mortar firing, training w/ long barreled gun & hitting tank w/ armor piercing shells. 11:08:54 Tilt down trees to mounted cavalry, riding past; pulling light artillery. WW2; 1940s; Operation Citadel; Kursk Campaign; Operation Kutuzov; Operation Polkovodets Rumyantsev; Fighting; Soviet Stock Footage; NOTE: Eastern Front battles with unknown mixed dates.