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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220470-25
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944,1940s
Country: France,Germany
Location: Near Orleans
TC Begins: 05:35:05
TC Ends: 05:36:30
Duration: 00:01:25
WWII - 1944, France: 20,000 Germans Tricked To Surrender To 24 Allied Troops. ca 17Sep44 Intertitle: Drama of War! A German Army Surrenders In France. 05:35:11 German Commander & officers surrenders to American 9th Army near Orleans. Talks w/ US officer looking at map. 05:35:22 POV from vehicle back to many surrendered German troops lining road; passing German soldiers & horse drawn wagons. 05:35:27 Surrender ceremony, German Major General Erich Elster speaks, SOF (German), & surrenders his pistol to Major General Robert Macon, 83rd Division Commander who responds, SOF: “On behalf of the Army of the United States I accept your surrender.” 05:36:00 German Luftwaffe & Wehrmacht POWs marching & counted by 4 American MPs at gatepost. Masses of German prisoners behind barbed wire in camp. Aerial of camp. WW2; Massive Surrender; 1940s;