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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250203-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944,1940s
Country: England,France,Germany,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Caen,Normandy,Paris
TC Begins: 02:41:34
TC Ends: 02:47:14
Duration: 00:05:40
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1944, France: German Counterattack To Normandy Invasion. Jun44 Map showing French coastal towns from Antwerp to beyond Jersey Island; and London & Dover. 02:41:41 Armored advance w/ camouflaged tanks. Farmers moving cattle & sheep along road; soldiers & camouflaged trucks. USAAF planes dive bombing, explosions. People running & pulling carts of goods thru bricks fallen in street & past damaged buildings. MS people gathering belongings from wreckage of houses, Medics carry injured on litter w/ nurses. 02:42:43 Refugee wagon w/ goods & family under white flag on pole; others pushing carts. German soldiers w/ many captured British & American Prisoners of War marching along road & thru Paris. Women spitting & yelling, man punches POW, High Angle of prisoners marching. 02:43:44 German fighter planes started, many take off at once, POV diving & firing as glider passes beneath. Air to air & POV; CU pilot’s hand on stick, diving on town & canal while firing near Caen. 02:44:31 German troops watch from trench, smoke, nearby explosions; Nazi artillery / tanks firing & explosions. CU SS Panzer unit officer w/ headphone, riding on camouflaged tank, CU tread. 02:45:14 Mines handed out & infantry & tanks advance along narrow road. Battle in farm fields. Wrecked Allied equipment, tanks. Artillery firing. CU German machine gunners firing. Destroyed city & troops thru wreckage. Flame-throwers. Many climatic explosions. 02:47:08 Wochenschau eagle, the end. WW2; Normandy Invasion German Counterattack; Fighting; Battle; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Very good coverage & well shot. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: