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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221124-11
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Estonia,France,Germany,Italy,Russia,USSR
Location: Caserta,Hamburg,Lake Pleskau,Narwa Front,Paris,Saarbruecken
TC Begins: 20:09:23
TC Ends: 20:19:29
Duration: 00:10:06
WWII - 1944, German Newsreel: Italy; France; Germany Homefront & Returning POWs; Eastern Front First story missing? US Headquarters in Caserta, Southern Italy - Italian President Badoglio with ? 20:09:36 Paris - Leon Degrelle (leader of Walloon contingent of Waffen SS) on platform making speech MOS, SS-sign in background. 20:09:50 Poster to encourage French youth to join Waffen SS. French Waffen SS recruits sworn in & marching. 20:10:19 Saarbruecken railway station - arrival of exchanged wounded German soldiers & civilian PoWs from USA - banner across tracks ‘Willkommen in der Heimat’ / welcome home. 20:10:49 Man turns around to show PW / Prisoner of War on back of shirt. 20:10:57 Returned mother w/ children. 20:11:00 Two women w/ Mexican hats, arriving from Mexico. 20:11:10 Hamburg - Man on microphone; radio speaker for “Blinkfeuer Heimat” - radio program where relatives could send greetings to German naval soldiers - 100th programme. German sailors inside ship - mother reads message on mic - cutaways to audience & sailors on various ships - little boy sends message to father, held up to mic by presenter - wife w/ message for husband - “Hallo Heinz!...” 20:12:42 Announcer introduces band - singer - servicemen listen to music through radio. 20:13:28 Eastern Front (?) 3 soldiers in snow w/ new “Goliath” mini-tank, operated w/ remote control. Goliath brought into position; captured Soviet Su-85 self-propelled gun used as target; Goliath sent towards tank & detonated 20:14:33 Map of Eastern Front - Leningrad. Supplies sent on trains. Panther tanks arrive close to front line. 20:15:24 Estonian unit of Waffen SS unloading rations, “Fuer Frontkaempfer im Grosskampf” / for front fighters in action. 20:15:31 Soldiers eating. Soldiers w/ goat to supplement diet. Pleskauer See / Lake Pleskau - soldiers on observation duties. 20:16:07 Narwa Front - soldiers try to fly an observation balloon; observer into basket w/ binoculars. 20:16:44 Eastern Front - Man on phone, giving order to fire artillery against Russian attack. Heavy bombardment; flak; machine gunners; grenade launchers. 20:17:38 Wounded soldiers. 20:17:45 Russian fighter planes strafing. 20:17:53 German infantry w/ Estonian volunteers in trench - Tiger tanks & heavy assault guns firing across snowy wasteland - 2 cm flak cannon - hand grenades thrown. 20:19:05 Dead Russian, wrecked equipment. Cont’d... (next card sold serparately) NOTE: Partial or entire card sold at per reel rate. WW2; German Home Front; USSR / Russia; Nazi Occupation of France; French Collaborators; NOTE: Part or entire card sold at per reel rate. NOTE: In our experience German Nazi material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.