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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220471-45
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944,1940s
Country: England,Germany,Greece,Italy,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Aachen,aka Braunschweig,brunswick,Megara
TC Begins: 07:54:27
TC Ends: 07:56:54
Duration: 00:02:27
WWII - 1944, Germany: Aachen; Greece; Night Bombing. ca Octt44 Title: The War In Europe, 07:54:33 Intertitle: Capture of Aachen. 07:54:37 Dive-bombing city, explosions; artillery fired from fields & black smoke rising. Tanks firing amid destroyed buildings; artillery in street fired, explosions & into city w/ fighting; MCUs & LS tracers. German POWs in first major city to be captured. VERY GOOD MONTAGE. 07:55:37 Intertitle: Capture of Greece. 07:55:41 British paratroopers board US planes in Italy; interior of aircraft & parachutes dropping, landing on Greek soil. Gliders land on dirt field in Megara. Troops thru orchard w/ Greek boy. 07:56:12 Intertitle: Bombing Germany. 14-15Oct44 07:56:16 Many British bombers overhead; aerials of dropping bombs including blockbuster. Explosions along North Sea coast; bombs falling along coast line. 07:56:39 Night bombing of Brunswick aka Braunschweig. GOOD explosions & fires from high altitude. WW2; Battles;