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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1567-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Holland,Netherlands
Location: Holland
TC Begins: 11:04:33
TC Ends: 11:12:45
Duration: 00:08:12
WWII - 1944, Operation Market Garden w/ Gliders Landing in Netherlands, Injuries. 23Sep44 INV 2050 Many paratroops landing, jumping from low C47s. Cows run. Medics move injured on stretcher & jeep. Towed gliders overhead, circling, landing. Troops walking off field. CU of landed glider w/ damage. Injured treated by medics. 11:06:55 Empty city street, explosion & burning building & tank . Large multistory building burning. 11:07:50 Glider landing. Parachutes opening. Gliders overhead. MCU glider landing; another close. 11:08:52 Jeep & medics arrive & carry large container says Blood. Medic and injured prisoners of war on stretchers, w/ tags. Treated. 11:09:52 Medical jeep w/ injured arriving. Injured carried into building. 11:10:25 Two soldiers beside rubble; view down street w/ destroyed building fronts. Explosion & falling building. Soldier looks at grave on street w/ wooden cross. More injured unloaded from jeeps. 11:11:11 Soldiers & some civilians outside large medical field tents eating. MCUs. 11:11:44 Gliders landing, one w/ drag chute. Many overhead coming in to land. WW2; Invasion; Paratroopers; 325th Infantry Airborne Regiment; 82nd Airborne Division; Holland; Injuries;