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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221802-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: Australia,Burma,China,England,Germany,Japan,Myanmar (Burma),United Kingdom,USA,USSR
Location: DC,Florida,Mandalay,Okinawa,Washington
TC Begins: 18:23:30
TC Ends: 18:30:54
Duration: 00:07:24
WWII - 1945, Newsreel: Okinawa Invasion; Mandalay Recaptured; Germany Advance; Security Conference Planning; Wounded Entertained By Golf Pros Intertitle: Landings On Okinawa. LS large building w/ five-star fleet flag flying from flag pole over Pacific Naval HQ at Guam. Admiral Nimitz walking w/ Vice-Admiral Mitscher & other Navy officers. 18:23:46 Landing ships on water; Admiral Mitscher entering command ship of Task Force 58, MS. 18:23:56 Ships underway; marines playing cards & listening to accordion w/ MCU Ernie Pyle on left; sailor dancing as others watch. 18:24:15 Officer counting out money, CU bill. 18:24:24 Montage, aerial of landing strip near coast, large battleships / cruisers / destroyers firing bombardment w/ explosions along shore & exploding on land; rocket barrage fired from ship 199 & others w/ explosions. GOOD. 18:25:01 Landing craft in water, on shore & Marines walk to shore thru mud; drop grenades in pillboxes; inspecting wreckage inland; civilians surrendering. Soldier gives food to woman & child. 18:25:50 Pan shore w/ litter wreckage in water & on beach. CU American flag above Marines dug in. 18:25:58 Intertitle: Mandalay Recaptured. Diving British RAF plane bombing, large explosions seen from behind Pagodas; aerials of burning fires near temples. Artillery fired & tanks moving up w/ Indian, British & Australian troops. Prisoners of War blindfolded & led off. 18:27:11 British flag flying. Soldier beside ornate temple. 18:27:21 Intertitle: Allied Net Tightens On Germany. US Third Army advancing on foot across fields, tanks firing. German POWs running along roadside; many waiting in field POW camp. Troops pass burning Nazi equipment and dead alongside road. 18:28:18 Soldiers loading banks of rockets, aimed & fired from remote control box. CUs & firing from ground, jeeps & trucks. GOOD. 18:29:03 Intertitle: Final Plans For Security Conference. Stettinius at table w/ Gromyko, Lord Halifax & Dr. C.C. Wu (?) Chinese Ambassador. CU Assistant Secretary Archibald MacLeish, SOF: “Peace has always been the policy of the American people; peace is now the necessity of the American people. If there is another war, if there is another aggressor, the United States will be the first target of that aggressor’s action. We need peace to continue to be ourselves. We need peace to construct the world we Americans have always wanted to construct.” GOOD. 18:30:03 Intertitle: Golfers Entertain Wounded. Veterans in uniforms & civilian clothes lining golf course watching golf instruction by Byron Nelson. Many on crutches. Joe Kirkwood, trick shot specialist; gag shot w/ golf ball on mouth of Negro laying on ground, hits ball & others applaud. Swings giant club as gag. WW2; World Peace Speech; Statement; Future; Prophecy; Foretelling; Presage; Poet; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Good.