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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250071-15
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: Marshall Islands,USA
Location: Bikini,Eniwetok Atoll,Marshall Islands,Pacific Proving Ground
TC Begins: 20:39:40
TC Ends: 21:00:12
Duration: 00:20:32
Titles 20:40:45 Overhead of hydrogen bomb nuclear explosion. 01Mar54 aerial of blast VO explaining size of blast & military effects tests. 20:42:04 CUs of various studies. 20:42;13 Aerial of atoll; diagram of Bikini Atoll & location of five blasts. Eniwetok location of firing. Aerial over monitoring buildings. Laying of cables for instrumentation. 20:43:03 LS of bomb container inside building & men working. Aerial over barge w/ small tug alongside. 20:43:24 Explosion & ball of fire, title Nuclear Radiation & explaining how it was recorded. Animated diagram of radiation spread & soldiers in trenches. Initial Gamma title & animation showing drop off distance. 20:44:46 Instruments in sand on beach, palm trees blowing in background. 20:45:07 Nuclear Radiation title over animation - Fall-Out. Nevada blast of Jangle w/ mushroom cloud. View into crater, man inspecting w/ geiger counter. 20:45:52 Aerial circling over location of Bravo, first Castle shot, set up. Explosion, cloud rising. CUs fireball. 20:46:36 Animation showing measurements of size & fall-out & movement of cloud w/ direction plotted. 20:47:48 Collection devices set up on beach w/ palms behind, described. Various locations on atoll on land & water. Moving in landing craft. Floating buoys placed; MCU & CU. Destroyed ship in surf. 20:49:14 Men sampling water at various depths & on surface. Raising w/ winches. 20:50:14 Buildings & men hooking up equipment. VO unexpected by greater yield during Bravo explosion; chart showing Bikini, Ailinginae, Rongelap, Rongerik & Utirik which got contaminated. 20:51:10 Islander examined by military officer as women & children watch; kids inspected. Loss of hair shown. Discoloration. Checking of blood samples. 20:52:29 Military rowing small boat to shower of island & inspecting tea kettle, turtle. 20:52:56 Islands on diagram w/ dosages listed; accumulated lethal dose pattern shown. Similiar pattern shown extending over map from Washington DC to New York City. 20:54:50 Animation of fall-out on illustration of cabin, explains cutting dose by location w/in. 20:55:28 Pan over suburban housing development; pan over large city buildings & rooftops. Street scenes & pedestrians in city summer. GOOD. 20:55:58 Port w/ navy modified liberty ships at dock; sprinklers mounted on board to wash down deck. Workmen modify deck for studies; ship in ocean from aerials. Helicopter landing, F4U aircraft on board. Detectors shown; exterior & interior w/ unmanned controls. Aircraft carrier w/ four helicopters on board. Aerial of sprinklers washing down ship while underway. Towing unwashed ship. 20:58:17 Hosing down F4U plane. Ship sprinklers hosing down. Men onboard ship taking readings on various parts of ship. MSs & CUs. Sprinklers in CU & from overhead. Nuclear Mishaps; PacificTesting; Measuring Techniques; Cold War; NOTE: Bravo, 28Feb54, yielded 15 megatons, 2 1/2 times expected resulting in worst incident of fallout exposure in all of the US atmospheric tests. Worst nuclear test in U.S. history. Very good color quality.