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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221406-01
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1954
Country: USA
TC Begins: 10:00:03
TC Ends: 10:08:11
Duration: 00:08:08
Atomic Energy Lewis L. Strauss on Bravo Hydrogen Bomb Test & Radioactivity, 31Mar54 Strauss at mics in front of drawn maps of South Pacific & Bikini & other atolls. 10:00:26 MCU waiting. Speaking: “The President has authorized me to make available those portions of my report to him, the publication of which would not compromise information vital to our national security. I have just returned from the Pacific Proving Grounds of the Atomic Energy Commission where i have witnesssed the second part of a test series of thermonuclear weapons, weapons powerful enough to take out a city.” 10:01:06 Repeat in CU. 10:01:46 “Early this January men & supplies began to move out to the Proving Grounds for this series. The first shot took place on its scheduled date of March 1st & the second on March 26th. Both were successful. No test is made w/o a definite purpose & a careful determination that it is directed to an end result of major importance to our military strength & readiness. The result which the scientists at Los Alamos & Livermore had hoped to obtain from these two tests were fully realized; an enormous potential has been added to our military posture by what we have learned. It should also be noted that the testing of weapons is important likewise in order to be fully aware of the possible future aggressive ability of an enemy, for we now we fully know we possess no monopoly of capability in this awesome field. 10:02:49 Now as to this specific test series: the first shot has been variously described as devastating, out of control, & w/ other exaggerated & mistaken characterizations. I would not wish to minimize it; it was a very large blast in the megaton range...the misapprehension seems have arisen due to two facts: the yield was about double that of the calculated estimate...and second, because of the results of the fallout.” 10:03:52 “For the day of shot number one, the meteorologists had predicated a wind condition that should have carrried the fallout... the wind failed to follow the predictions but shifted south of that line & the little islands of Rongelap & Rongerik & Utirik...the Japanese fishing trawler seemed to have been missed by the search...well within the danger area. The 23 crewmembers.., 28 American personnel manning weather stations on the little islands & the 236 natives...were therefore w/in the area of the fallout...taken to the island of Kwajalein...” “Today, a full month after the event...the 23 Japanese fishermen is less certain due to the fact...not yet been permitted by the Japanese authorities to make a proper clinical examination...” 10:06:47 Repeat: “For the day of shot number one... 10:07:09 “I concluded my report to the President...that one important result of these hydrogen bomb developments has been the enhancement of our military capability to the point where we should soon be more free to increase our emphasis on the peaceful uses of atomic power at home & abroad...” Atomic Testing; Mistakes; Accidents; Radiation Burns; Radioactivity; Dangers; Castle Bravo; Daigo Fukuryu Maru aka Lucky Dragon No. 5; radiological accident; Operation Castle; 1954; Nuclear Dangers;