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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221304-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960s
Country: USA
Location: California,Los Angeles,Nevada Test Site
TC Begins: 17:00:00
TC Ends: 17:13:28
Duration: 00:13:28
Let’s Face It Los Angeles Examiner headline: Russ Explodes H-Bomb. Globe w/ animated arrows showing route from USSR. Sign: Evacuation Exercise (Civil Defense) Traffic. Sign: Air Raid Rehearsal Today. Horn turning w/ siren, man turns head. Other horns. Two men in convertible driving; men at work, welder lifts mask. People going to shelter. Spotter w/ binoculars, man a map of Los Angeles, freeway w/ traffic moving. CD people. Firemen w/ stretchers; CD rescue trucks. Man a radio mic (several), antennas 17:03:12 Geiger counters & checking for radioactivity; antennas. Sign: Block warden. Field hospital. Tornado & rescues; tent kitchen. 17:04:54 Slow motion of structures tested; aftermath of blast. Skyscrapers. Industrial buildings. Railroad freight yard & bridges. Nevada blast & test buildings constructed. Railroad track w/ cars on them. Variety of building materials; dummy in car; synthetic forest constructed. Wind gages. Bomb target. Observers waiting with journalists, CD officials, military. 17:09:09 Briefing, men into trenches & cover heads. Blast on buildings & structures w/ dust & wind. Trees bend. Men in trenches hit by blast wave. Soldiers looking at blast cloud. Helicopter takes off & aerials over buildings. Ground shots of overturned buildings, destroyed trees from artificial forest. Man holding geiger counter out window of helicopter. Soldiers walk towards blast site, look at damaged jeep & equipment. Cars destroyed. 17:12:37 CD booklets. H-bomb blast & impact wave moving over ocean & camera vibrates. Silhouette of people watching atomic blast. The End. Atomic testing; 1950s; 1960s; Patriotism; Propaganda; Military Training;